That “big tummy” feeling is one known by many women. The feeling of not being able to fit in your fave pair of jeans or wear your nice slinky dress without a protruding belly on certain days can be very annoying and uncomfortable.
Bloating is commonly due to gas buildup in the gastrointestinal tract and is sometimes accompanied by burping. It can be related to physical issues, the type of foods you eat or lifestyle habits. In most cases, this problem can resolve on its own with some changes in habits or diets.
A few things which may cause bloating include:
Digestive Issues
If you have these symptoms after eating, it could be due to a food allergy or intolerance, such as to wheat, eggs, or lactose intolerance. Or it can be from eating high-fat foods and eating your food too fast.
This can make your tummy feel fuller and tighter, and you may need to add fiber or more probiotics, the good bacteria to help the intestines work better. If you find yourself unable to go to the toilet for longer than usual, a laxative might help soften your stool and ease the discomfort of constipation.
Lack of Activity and Exercise
Any form of exercise or movement of your abdominal muscles, like in yoga, encourages the release of gas or bloating and creates stronger muscles. Better posture and toning, even if just walking or stretching, can help minimize the bloated feeling.
Certain foods
Yes, vegetables are always a good idea, but too much kale or any cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, or of course beans, can fill up the tummy. The process of breaking down these foods is a fermenting process, a buildup of the methane gas from food breakdown, that can bring on bloating.
You may wish to decrease or limit how much you consume these foods.
Certain Drinks
Many people may not want to hear this, but even caffeine is a culprit. Exercise enthusiasts, workout buffs and athletes usually drink sports drinks to rehydrate and add electrolytes. What you may not realize is that they have added artificial sugars, flavors and sodium that may cause bloating or gas.
Make sure you drink plain water to hydrate better and flatten that tummy.
Too many soft drinks can also bring on the bloated feeling.
Also beware of alcohol, as it lowers your good bacteria and can cause gastritis or liver inflammation, making the stomach or intestines not feel too good.
Abdominal massage for bloating relief
You can do this massage yourself by rubbing in a circular motion lightly upwards toward the right side of the rib cage, then across your upper belly to the left side. When you’re bloated it will be sensitive, but this light movement will help move the gas up and out. This massage works better when you are laying down.
Lifestyle Habits to Avoid
Smoking, eating quickly, and chewing gum are habits that cause you to take in excess air, which causes bloating. Either reduce or delete these habits to flatten your tummy.
Best Foods to Eat to reduce bloating
Pineapple and papaya contain two enzymes, bromelain, and papain, that help aid the digestion of proteins. Bananas have a lot of potassium, which helps combat the salty food that causes bloating. Celery acts as a diuretic that helps you get rid of excess amounts of water from the body.
Yogurt and kefir give you the good bacteria which will aid digestion and help fight the bad bacteria that might be the cause of bloating. Other good foods are cucumbers, tomatoes, asparagus, and leafy lettuce greens that are high in water and minerals like magnesium to decrease salt intake.
Most importantly, remember that you are more than the circumference of your mid section. A big tummy doesn’t define you and shouldn’t make you feel any less.